We are finally entering the spring and summer months now, and as it's been a while since we have show you a few of the cars that have visited us for Hunter Wheel Alignment, fresh tyres and wheels, let's show you who has visited us!
As you can see, we weren't kidding about getting busy as the summer sun is beginning to rise. Meaning now is the perfect time for new wheels and getting your car's alignment checked. You are always welcome at DGT Wheels for either of these, or both if the mood takes you.
If you fancy getting your alignment checked, we recommend booking an appointment and we will see you at the time that best suits you. You can phone us up between business hours (Monday to Saturday, 8:30am to 5:30pm) on 01268 416201 or you can book via our website. Just check on this link to get started booking your appointment. Alternatively, you can pop in without an appointment. There is a chance that we might be busy and there could be a bit of wait, but pop on over and we'll try and fit you in.
If you just want new wheels, you can phone us up or email us and check if we have what you want in stock or if we can order in. If you prefer to do face-to-face, drive on over to us in Basildon and our friendly staff will help.
Want to visit us? This map should help you!
We hope you have a nice drive home and remember: drive safe, drive DGT.