We got new alloy wheels that came in earlier today and we wanted to show you a few as soon as we took photos of them. Plus, with the rumoured to get seasonally colder by the end of the week, maybe now's the time to treat your car to some new alloy wheels and, while you're at it, check your tyres and get yourselves ready for winter.
But we all know why we're writing this post: to show you a sneak peek of the new alloy stock we got!
Don't they look stunning?
Anyway, like we saying earlier, if any caught your eye and you want further information on one alloy wheels shown above, go to our online home - dgtwheels.com. Or, if you want to see them in person or you want your car to have the once over with your tyres or check your car's alignment, you could drive on over to us in Basildon and chat to one of our staff who will be happy to help as much as they can!
We hope you have a lovely day and remember: drive safe, drive DGT.