If you have looked on social media of late, the latest hashtag that's sweeping the internet is the #TenYearChallenge and, under the same umbrella, #PubertyChallenge. We at DGT feel like we have grown and change in the past ten years and thought we would show and see if you agree...

As you can see (and probably aware if you follow us for a while), we have had a face-lift and look all new and shiny of late with our new warehouse, Hunter Alignment and bigger glass windows for more natural light.
But it's not only our outside that has changed in the past ten years...

We got a little more organised over how we show off our wheels but these photos are a lovely reminder to us over how far we have come.
Here's to the last 10 years of DGT, and here's to 10 years more. And remember, as always: drive safe, drive DGT.